How to contact our support team

If you have any questions about the app, you can contact us via or fill out and send the feedback form here.

If you’ve installed the app, you can also contact us via the Help form:

  1. Go to the Searchanise (Smart Search Bar & Filters) control panel.
  2. Click the Help button in the top bar or the sticky Help button. You’ll see the feedback form.
  3. Fill out and send it.

The more details you provide about the issue, the faster we can help. For example, you can add a detailed description of the issue, screenshots, screencasts, access details to troubleshoot it in your store, etc.

Enjoying your experience with Searchanise?

We’d appreciate it if you could take some time to leave a review. To do so, follow the link to your respective platform below:

Updated on November 22, 2023

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